Cool stuff! This TPC released by Motion Computing is really becoming a “handleable” size. I have always find the present TPCs still too big for portability. Cant wait to get my hands on one of these to experience the size, but likely have to wait quite a (long) while
Server outage!
the server has been experiencing error 500 these 2 days with the mt.cgi, it’s affecting my updates and the helpdesk is not responsing to my emails, wat’s going on? *arrgggrrhhh*
MOE ExCEL Fest 2005
The MOE ExCEL Fest 2005 starts today and Nan Chiau High School has 2 projects (“Harnessing Edublogs” and “CERDIK”) participating in the SchoolWorks! section exhibition.
ExCEL stands for Excellence through Continuous Enterprise and Learning, and parents and the public will be here to experience schools� innovative efforts in teaching and learning.
If you will be here (Suntec Convention Centre) today or tomorrow, do visit us
Oh btw, we are also setting up some laptops for visitors to have a hands-on blogging experience! Yup, the “5 minutes, 3 steps blogger blog creation“.
WebQuest – QuestGarden
Read this post off Craig Nansen’s blog, which is about Bernie Dodge’s presentation at the NECC.
The tool seems to combine the advantages of a blog (ease of use, template driven), a wiki (collaborative development) and development tools (templates, themes and design patterns) built in. A number of different authors can work on the same WebQuest, and it is hosted on his server so that FTP software is not needed. He is also planning on having a graphics library so teachers can easily add graphics to their WebQuests.
“Garden WebQuest – Unveiled” posting
The WebQuest Page at San Diego State University