This is the break time, fellow Malay Language teachers are now taking a 20 minutes break. Oh btw, in case you are wondering, we are all at Nan Chiau High School now, and cluster N4 ML teachers are here with us. What we have done for the first part of the workshop so far is to get an overview of (edu)blogs, as well as a hands-on on MSN Spaces.
If only I can upload some of the photos taken *hmm*
Ok, shall update the posting later, time to go for a break too
Thank you for the wonderful sharing. It has been an enriching experience.
this workshop is an eye-opener for me. Thanks for your kind effort. greatly appreciated.:)
Very interesting and would be beneficial for me and the students. Thank you.
This is an enriching workshop. I look forward to creating my own blog. Tks for the knowledge shared…btw the food is gooood!!!!!!
Good Work! Can’t wait to share what i have learnt with my students. The workshop was a very enlightening one and definitely refreshing. Thumbs Up!
Sharing is comprehensive. The printout will be a good guide. Anyway will try it out setting the blogg again coz the PC is having some problem. Well done.
It’s easy to follow, especially with the handouts. Thanks. And the food was yummy! ;-P
Mr Tan & Mrs Teo
Great…. Baguuus. We have learn to go blog (goblok in ML is dump). So we are not goblok anymore.
Wonderful workshop on blogs
Got to know regarding MSN blog through this workshop. As I only handle my own blog most of the time, and use it for my personal use. Thru this workshop, i am clear on how to handle blogs in a more safer and secure ways both for teachers n students. Hence beneficial for everyone! Thanks!
explanation was clear and easy to follow. well done! an afternoon well spent.
Key take-away: the ease of starting a blog =)
It has been a very enriching workshop and I am sure that I could apply it in my everyday life and teaching activities. I do hope that we can share good activities and practices so as to enhance the credibility of our cluster. Thank you.
Thank you so much for today’s sharing! I had benefited greatly from it. cheero…