12470 告别演唱会

#throwback to monday 18/9, it’s the 3rd f2f session of the last round of 12470 for the year. and it could be the last round for good. how fascinating! and here’s the group photo of 12470-00009:

looking forward to more …

quick post-12470 recap

yesterday was the 3rd and last f2f session for this year’s only run of Clinic 12470. of course, we know one reason behind that is the “17 hours” course time. shorten it to attract pple we gonna try, but 经常吃药的人都知道——苦口良药;if …

reflection on 12470-00004 facilitation

it’s been 3 weeks since the course started on 2/6. this is the first time Clinic is conducted with 3x face-to-face. an additional f2f session’s added in between based on our own reflection of the past runs, and participants’ feedback. …

2nd reflection on course 12470-00002 facilitation


回顾过去10天的线上交流活动,相较于上一轮的课,这一回的老师们在个别讨论的互动率有明显的增多。这主要集中在分享个人的经验和想法,也有一部分的回复是衍生的问题。“质疑性”的问题(questioning assumptions)则还未多见,这或许是老师们对彼此尊重的“文化”表现吗?又或是老师们还不习惯问“为什么” (Why)的问题?急不来,文化是要时间改变的,习惯是要时间培养的 (:

上一轮课的结束会晤我主要做了整个讨论的内容分析和观察,感觉有些过于“说教”,参与度能进一步提高就更好。思索着,是否应该给老师们“增添”一份会晤前的“功课”,让愿意准备想分享的老师(“sdl”)谈谈他们对于这次课的经验如何影响他们日后设计SDL/CoL课时的过程和课本身的内容,限时5分钟,由此或许能引起一些讨论和擦出进一步的火花来? *hmmmm* 还得想一想。

得去做我的“说教”部分的准备了,期待再度与老师们会晤面对面继续我们的思考与探索 (:

rainbow photo(acknowledgement: photo by werner22brigitte)