pre-12592 note

the next round of Studio 12592 is planned to start on 18/1 (Wed). this year, two of our fellow learners/comrades are taking leave from work to go overseas, effectively reducing the active group by 50%. the statistically significant reduction in number creates the possibility of not enough minimum number to get the course running. tried to get new learners on-board whilst fully appreciate the madness in school (esp. Jan and CNY’s round the corner; getting later dismissal times; not getting less CCAs). shall see if we have enough 有缘人 this time round (: #不是没有心学习 #challengeOfTeachers #challengeOfFacilitator

2017 New Year Fireworks at Marina Bay; creative take

update 10/1

my course is CANCELLED administratively cos at ‘deadline’ i have but only 1-2 registrations. traisi/ast side’s SOP stops accepting registration 2(?) weeks before a course starts. the school just re-opened for a 4-day week. if teachers have submitted their application, the ROs may not have had the chance to approved the application. and if communications’ needed in-between application and approval, this would have delayed the application process. have feedback to dean/curriculum to ask if the SOP can be reviewed for courses starting in early/mid-january.)

cooperative resources preparation – afterthought



1. Resources are important component for lessons – must have, and therefore must be prepared.
2. Cooperative resource preparation is good because it allows concerted effort for teachers to focus while divide-and-conquering (1).


3. What is the purpose of the resources prepared/gathered? Are these for teachers’ lesson delivery (“”为出发点;灌输为主——非常有效率地教), or are these for students’ meaning-making (“”为出发点)?

这两个不同的出发点对所准备的resources作为“outcomes”会有哪些影响呢? 资源(例如文章、范文、videos)或许有共通的,但是如何使用会因目的不同而不同。换句话说,两者的教案就肯定不一样了。

另外,”resource preparation”一词很大成分意味着资源是出自教师。“资源”可否来自学生?为什么可以?为什么不可以?因为这样很没效率?因为学生找不到“对”的资源(cf. 教师准备的对错拿捏妥当)?

所以回过头来,我觉得还是离不开“学习”这根本问题s——What is learning? How does learning take place? 不同的技能、课题可能学习的方法不同。所以没有划一的答案。

就是“” (cf. 教)。

triangular windows
(photo credit: Michael Coghlan)