saw this, love it:

and my brain started spinning and this is the (current) outcome:
What is Comms?
(Tan, 2023)
Comms. One word. Five letters. Limtiless meanings flourish.
#beta #4ideaimprovement
– a Singaporean teacher's storeroom 🖖
saw this, love it:
and my brain started spinning and this is the (current) outcome:
What is Comms?
(Tan, 2023)
Comms. One word. Five letters. Limtiless meanings flourish.
#beta #4ideaimprovement
stopped routine when COVID-19 broke out. 1st swim since then. 10 laps of 50m. only managed to swim 2 laps non-stop. hope to build up stamina soon.
“For someone who lives in a condo, u r not maxing out.” #wkr
巧合 that some recent conversations with friends landed on the term “terrible two”, and yes, these friends have young ones either 24 mths old or fast approaching that “magical number” 😆
however, i shared with them a good-er view of the age, and i termed it “Incredible Two”. why incredible instead of terrible? well, my personal experience were, juniors at this age can really do unexpected things that simply put you in a state of “unbelievable”! these things are incredible cos (jaded) grown ups will never do those things (except we din realise these are not adults; we are but examining their behaviours thru the righteous adult lens).
yup, so if u too are having a junior approaching this magical age, put on the Incredible Two lens, and your (parenthood) experience may just be different from others (who 先入为主 and used the “terrible” lens).
“change your perspective and experience a different life” (Tan, 2022) #feelfreetoquotencite 😁
in the heart of gotham city, the wayang-loving gothamers have two wayang centres to go to on weekends (and weekdays too). the first centre is called the centre of wayang, while the other is called the centre for wayang. tourists often wonder what’s the difference between the two. well, as one gothamer explains, “the centre OF wayang, is truly the place that provides the best entertainment. all of gotham’s best actors and actresses are there. as for the centre FOR wayang, go there if you want to see actor or actress wannabe performing, for that’s a place for wayang experimentations.”
“therefore, outlander, where to go for the real stuff? it’s obvious, just remember the difference between of and for, and you wouldn’t be misled. anything else i could help regarding wayang?” asked the gothamer.
“no, OF course not,” replied the tourist.
“excellent! well met, and wishing you all fun for your holidays in gotham. oh btw, we are also called the city of integrity in case you aren’t aware.”
and this marks the end of the last school day in semester 1 (in the singaporean K-10 schooling calendar). most, if not all, schools are having teachers meeting parents (under names like parent-teacher-conference, meet-parents-session) either f2f, online, or hybrid.
and something in my shirt pocket that had accompanied me for the past 144 days (100 days if we exclude sat, sun, & public holidays) reminded me of the end of the time passed during daily teaching/lessons:
and while looking at it, i countdown to 10 days to a new timetable greeting me 🖖🏼
also to capture this day are two excerpts from M. Housel’s book The Psychology of Money, on happiness:
and hopefully my new timetable will afford me the sense of control in life 🖖🏼