Gmail, a mailbox and more

The “xmail delivers” posting at shared on how a gmail mailbox can be used as another free and convenient online storage.
Any gmail user can download and install this “Gmail Drive” shell extension to use Gmail off “My Computer” as a virtual drive in the computer.
OR, if like to enjoy the freedom of anywhere 24/7 access, check out “XMail Hard Drive“, which features a completely web-based interface. Very convenient.
Of coz, in order to do this, you’ll need to have a gmail acct, havent got one? Get one here today 🙂

Physics behind Roller Coaster

Darren shared this learning object with us yesterday. It allows students to experiment with 2 variables, starting speed and amount of track friction. In the “Roller Coaster Science” section, concepts on enery and friction are introduced. It’s a perfect tool for self-discovery of primary science.
Check it out 🙂