11th Edublog Workshop for DDMers … in the midst

today, seng chee has once again kindly invited me to share on (edu)blogs, 17 excited HODs are with me today, and it is now the break time, aka action time for me 😛
will be going on to blogger.com account creation later, for the time being, just upload a few pictures to capture moments of the past 1 hour 🙂

Documents for 10th Edublog Workshop

Thanks for all the feedback given, it’s a great learning experience for me to hear from all of you 🙂
Just to recap on the things that we have done:
Part 1: Overview and hands on blogger.com
This is the part we spent quite some time on and many of us were able to follow. Blogger.com is but one of the many freely available platform to create a blog.
Part 2: RSS and bloglines.com
Bloglines.com is an online RSS reader that can assist us in monitoring updates in blogs. (Note: this is not blog creation)
Due to time constraint and the design of the authentication process, a hands-on wasnt qutie possible. Do try to follow the user guide and you should be able to setup an account.
For a start, you can try to subscribe to the blog that you have created on Friday. Post something new, and see it being ‘highlighted’ in bloglines. That should give you a feel of how it works.
Last but not least, here’s the softcopies of the presentation and documentations:
1. Presentation slides
2. Blogger.com HOWTO
3. Bloglines.com HOWTO
Hope you’ll find blogging a useful tool, cheers 🙂

10th Edublog Workshop @Qifa Primary Sch

It’s break time now, we (abt 31 of us) are all blogging away (on blogger) for the past hour 🙂
After this break, we’ll be looking at Bloglines.com, an indispensible tool for teachers 😛
Time to go for my break too! *hmm* if only i have brought my sd reader …

9th Edublog Workshop for Voila! Schools

Wow! This afternoon at Ai Tong School, we have a lab full of excited students led by their teachers. This is the first edublog workshop where teachers and students are blogging happily away together. Everyone had created a Blogger.com blog, and they were given a demo on how to upload pictures using Hello! and how to create a group blog.
If only we have more time, I would have been able to show them how to use the MS Image Resizer Powertoy to reduce BIG picture files into _small_ files that would be perfect for their blogs.
The slides used for the day is here.

Completed! – 8th Edublog Workshop

Yup, finished another round of blogvangelism! Thanks to John for the invitation for the STEP 2005 sharing. And hopefully our fellow friends from Thailand have learnt something useful today. Check out more pictures below:

3 cheers for R&D !
for i = 1 to 3
SHOUT *hip hip hurray* (x3)
next i