Culture Talk 2007

the blog hasnt seen new content for quite some time as i’m tied down by this and this.
Yes, Culture Talk 2007 aka 《文化开讲》is finally announced! It is a Chinese Language online discussion forum competition for secondary school students. The theme is naturally “culture” as you can tell from the name of the competition.
registration for the competition is now opened, am waiting to see how many schools will be interested 😛
for more info, check out the forum 🙂

[eSN] Studios OK movie-download technology

eSchoolNews reported that hollywood studios are going to allow videos that are purchased online to be transferred into DVDs. Videos are widely used in our classrooms, this ‘liberation’ of copyrights is indeed good news for our teachers and students. Read the full report here 🙂

Sharing at Nanyang Girls’ High School

this is the set of slides for the presentation at NYGH 2 days ago. the quake at taiwan has really crippled internet access in asia pacific for the past 2 days, still experiencing lag this moment 😐
if you would like to find out more about the studies mentioned in the presentation, grab it here:
1. Chua, G.K. (2006). Pupil eportfolio (a literature review)
2. Chua, G.K., & Tan, Y.H. (2006). Building a group blog for learning.
3. Tan, Y.H., Ow, E.G.J., & Ho, P.Y.J. (2005). Weblogs in education (a literature review)
4. Tan, Y.H., Teo, E.H., Aw, W.L., & Lim, W.Y. (2005). Portfolio building in Chinese language learning using blogs.
5. Tan, Y.H., Ow, E.G.J., & Tan, S.C. (2006). Audioblogging: Supporting the Learning of Oral Communication Skills in Chinese Language.
oh, and i realised my (possibly last) contribution to the lit review series is up, get it if you want to learn about what’s the difference between audioblogging and podcasting 🙂
6. Tan, Y.H., & Mong, K.T. (2006). Audioblogging and podcasting in education.