a collection of few URLs:
Free Statistical Software
Blogging Workshop for CL Teaching and Learning
it’s been a while since my last blogvangelism workshop. did one 2 days ago at yishun sec with 17 CL teachers. here’s the documents for the day:
1. Blogger Blog HOWTO Version 3.1.1
2. ?????????????
3. Bloglines.com HOWTO
enjoy 🙂
Nvidia Geforce 4 Go Driver Mod
if you own a laptop running some geforce 4 GO series video adapter like mine, and you couldnt download an official driver like me, go to LaptopVideo2Go today!
Rationale for educational blogging
it’s been a while since posting about edublogging has appeared in this page. went into digging my bloglines feeds pile and found this piece of reflection by Anne Davis.
read this article if you want to know why you should introduce blogging to your students (if you have not already done so that is) 🙂
53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn�t Live Without
if you create webpages, this is one good website for reference to coding CSS 🙂