(more) effective questioning

it’s been a while since my last post. as we begin day 1 of term 4 tomorrow, (the act of) of questioning could be even more useful as we consolidate new (and old) concepts/ideas taught leading up to the end-of-year examinations. chanced upon this piece of gem – a chapter on More Effective Questioning – by Pearsall (2018).

questioning is an important part of our everyday practice therefore it’s nothing ‘new’ per se. a quick browsing through the chapter would remind us of the many effective techniques that we may have already been practicing all this while (e.g. Cold Calling, Question relay, Placeholder statements). but again, you may find some new ideas through a 5-min quick browse too (:

some questions that came to me while browsing (which i do not have answers at this point in time) include, “how would these techniques look like in a online synchronous learning environment (e.g. Zoom, Google Meet)?”; “what could work and what may not work so effectively?”; “how could i/we adapt these techniques so that they would be equally, if not more, effective for synchronous online learning?”.

finally, nothing beats the feeling of seeing a great piece of free reading/resource for sharing early in the morning (“Thank You, ASCD”). have a great term 4 ahead to one and all!