padfone 2 station touch insensitive problem

lately my padfone 2 station appears insensitive to touch on the screen. it doesnt accept functions like “hold” which is needed to activate alternate character on the touch keyboard for example, and pinch to resize is also non-responsive. a search on the internet finally landed me on the solution shared in the padfone club. but the solution isnt available quickly through a search. perhaps not many pple have this problem, yet.

the solution to the problem is quite simple. it’s a software issue. a recalibration of the padfone 2 station is required. this can be done by downloading the software from asus support website. look for:

padfone 2 –> OS: Android –> Utilities –> Padfone2 Station Calibration Tool

you may need to download an RAR archive extractor to extract the apk file. plug in your padfone 2 to the station, run the apk (you’ll need to enable “Unknown Sources” software to run option found in Settings –> Security).

and it worked for me, and i hope it works for you too (:

27 Replies to “padfone 2 station touch insensitive problem”

  1. Hi,

    Just wanted to thank you so much for this tip. I was totally frustrated with the misbehavior of the touch screen on my PadFone 2 Station. This utility seems to have fixed it totally. It is functioning properly now.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

    Regards Ali

    1. hi Ali, you are most welcome! i had a hard time finding the solution too. am glad it worked for you too. cheers (:

  2. I had tried to do with the caliberation apk program more than 50 times but the result still “NG”,and the touch still not smooth and controllable, what should I do? Pls help!

    1. hi andy, sorry to hear that. i think you may have to send it back to the service centre, hopefully your unit’s still covered by warranty :O

      1. Hi TYH

        Yeah..Recently became more worse after i updated to, sometimes will be very lag when using with the station but if just alone with the mobile, everyting is fine. I wondering is the problem with the firmware or not. So bad…..

      2. yes yes, new firmwares always mean some bugs fixed and more bugs created. have u tried backing up your stuff and do a hard reset to start the phone fresh?

  3. at first I thought my new bought padfone 2 station hav problem with touchscreen or instant data transition not good enough if I playing game.. but when I tried to install and calibrate it. all problems solved and it’s worked well. I’m glad to visit this site. Thanks. 🙂

  4. I wish I had found this page 15 mins earlier… I ripped out a perfectly good matte screen protector to see if that was causing the issue with my station touch problems… but thanks so much for your post… it solved the problem… I can hold and drag the icons on my desktop now… am running kitkat now… my PadFone 2 feels like brand new! (Well, it’s a clean wipe, so it should!)

  5. Hi i have Asus PadFone S, I think the station touch sensitivity is doesn’t right, I tried to install this app but it say app not installed, please help..

    1. hi Viery, sorry to hear about your problem. the support website appears to not host any similar software for the S. the installation couldn’t work cos most likely it’s been configured to run specifically on the 2 only. hope you’ll find a solution to your problem soon!

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