the KE Pentagon

— updated on Mar 6, 2013 with local mirror address —
the KE Pentagon – the first online forum set up for hostelites of the NUS King Edward VII Hall (aka Keviians), back in Jan 22, 1999. can’t recall the motivation for setting this up, but this was a new initiative the KEVII Web Team (another new committee set up in 1999 headed by me). it’s later shifted and hosted on our own server at  a walk down memory lane when i look at some of these threads (:

(the old server location may still be live: the KE Pentagon)

an insightful sharing of personal experience of the flipped classroom

the idea of flipped classroom(s) has gained attention in the recent 1-2 year or so. in her blog post “The Flip: End of a Love Affair“, Shelly Wright shared her flipping experiment and why she gave up flipped instruction. at one glance, it appears that the idea of flipped classroom doesnt work, but in fact as Shelly shared in her experience, the experiment worked out so well that her class has moved beyond the usual conception of a flipped classroom. not sure how many teachers would be as excited as me in learning how things had worked out and evolved. one thing i’m quite sure is Shelly plays a key role in this evolvement. imagine, a teacher who only asks students to watch videos at home, and babysit students in class to do their homework and act as a tutor if help is needed doesnt appear to be the way a flipped classroom will work out imho.

one of her ending statements serves as food for thought too:

“I’ve learned that inquiry & PBL learning can be incredibly powerful in the hands of students. I would never teach any other way again.”


Free Education Technology Resources eBook

my student colleague Grace Yeo shared with us this “EmergingEdTech’s 2012 Free Education Technology Resources eBook” released earlier in the year by under the CC-BY-NC-SA license.

while i’m not sure if all the ICT mentioned are still “emerging”, it does give a good list of tools which teachers can explore or revisit, which includes:

  1. Blogs (it’s listed first! but no, this is not the reason why i blogged an entry of this ebook :p )
  2. Collaboration & Brainstorming Tools
  3. Educations Games & Fun Tools
  4. Educational Videos, Lecutres, and Podcasts
  5. Facebook
  6. Free resources
  7. IWB
  8. iPads and the list goes up to 13 (:

visit the to sign up for their mailing list to grab a copy of the ebook, or download the local mirror here (thanks to emergingedtech,com for releasing the document under the CC-BY-NC-SA license)

enjoy (: