these few days were in and out of major meetings reporting and demoing on the upcoming The ICT Connection website, and was guided to think of the website’s next phase of development. the idea of building a community among teachers who are interested to come together to work and improve on existing ICT lesson examples. and saw this post by Christopher D. Sessums defining web2.0:
Web 1.0 = me
Web 2.0 = me + youWeb 1.0 = read
Web 2.0 = read + writeWeb 1.0 = connecting ideas
Web 2.0 = connecting ideas + connecting peopleWeb 1.0 = search
Web 2.0 = recommendations of friends/othersWeb 1.0 = find
Web 2.0 = shareWeb 1.0 = techies rule
Web 2.0 = everybody rules
part 2 and 3 probably’s the way forward for The ICT Connection. but again, are our teachers ready and have the time to embrace this Web2.0 culture or perhaps i should say “Web2.0 lifestyle“. it’s like owning an iphone, it’s not abt the physical device, it’s abt adapting to and owning a new lifestyle.
Hi YH,
I just gave an ICT briefing in my school and I brought up Web 2.0 for the first time. I guess awareness is important. Most educators are using Web 2.0 in their personal life. I hope ICT Connection and edumall2.0 are able to help them connect Web 2.0 to their teaching and learning.
Do update me on the upcoming ICT Connection. I will be away on ICT during the iCTLT and Excel Fest week (tough luck) :p
sure thing
edtechs if we look at them all, we’ll soon be reminded that most of these techs are not designed for education to start with. it’s the educators that made that adaptation. yes, teachers wont be out of job in the forseeable future 
from web1 to web2, there’s a chasm to cross. some of us may be able to cross it with 1 step, others may need a whole battery of workouts found in an ICT (like the one u’re gg) to develop enough capabilities. The ICT Connection tries to be closer to web1, add in some elements of web2, and in time to come, we hope we can move more towards web2. and hopefully the culture at large would move as well. it’s easy to put in technologies, habits n mindsets are diehard.