Tools for the classroom

Saw this post by Christopher D. Sessums on the tools he had experimented with his students in one semester. I counted tools, just to name a few:

  • the Google suite: docs, spreadsheets, reader, scholar, ….
  • journaling: Blogger, WordPress
  • concept maps: Gliffy, Bubblous, Wisdomap, and MindMeister
  • media/presentation: Audacity, Jing, Prezi, VoiceThread, Wordle

and many more …. you should read the posting and be AWED πŸ˜›

how i wish i can experiment some, if not all, of these tools with students back in school πŸ™

2 Replies to “Tools for the classroom”

  1. I just installed Ubuntu on a very old pc this week, that had been creaking under XP. Not enough RAM and CPU to run XP. Lo and behold it runs like a dream. And, every piece of software on it is open source. The lot! And the software covers pretty much all the bases.


  2. Chotrul: not sure if u’ve tried EduBuntu? i’ve tried both a couple of years back, and i agree that it’s a nice setup with everything in (: except at that time, i wasnt able to get my wireless adapter to work with it, hence limiting accessibility.

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