at t1 now, have passed the gate, oh btw, gate c25, cannot go any further :O waiting to board the plane. last called, yh3 is still sleeping yh2 almost falling asleep, yh1 still awake, else cannot possibly type this
going to be ccccccooooollllldddddddd when we reach *grrrr*
looking forward to reaching sydney though
let’s go give yh3 a call and see if he’s awake :@
Fun with English – Showcasing local stories
After 5-6 months of blogvangelism, not sure how many of our workshop participants has actually realised the use of edublogs in their teaching and learning. If you are one of them reading this post and you have been/started introducing blogs to your students, do let us know
As I have shared with Jeanne the other day, (edu)blogs, unlike other edtech, can quite easily be integrated into existing classroom practices. So from now on, we are going to embark on another dimension of our sharing, to scout for local Singapore examples of teachers who too have experimented with edublogs.
So, to get our “Showcasing local stories” series going, the first one that I am going to share is the “Fun with English” blog, by Mrs Letitia Tan from Beatty Sec School.
Mrs L Tan is an EL teacher. Gathered from her blog, she would like to “interest students in the eng language” via “spontaneous writing in a more creative and casual way”. Great!
She has employed the students 1-to-1 approach of using blogs on, so in her blog, she has linked up to the blogs of classes 3E2 and 3E4 students.
To start everything going in the right perspective, she has set ground rules for the students to follow. Read on if you are interested to find out more!
Continue reading “Fun with English – Showcasing local stories”
Using Wikis to Empower Student Learning
Wiki has been around for 10 years now, and much like blogs, it is another technology which educators are trying to adapt for use in their classroom.
This article (in a wiki also) shares some experience on the use of wiki in a university course, and students are giving positive feedback on the use of the technology in their course. Check it out.
BlogTalk Downunder Conference Paper is online
In 1 week’s time, we will be flying to Sydney to participate in the Conference.
Our paper is but one of the many papers that has been brought online, thanks to James Farmer for his hard work and effort.
Getting excited about this trip as we’ll be able to hear and learn from the blogging gurus. Hope to gain as much as possible to return and share the learning.
Upcoming – Launch of National Interschool Blogging Championshop 2005 [NIBC]
Yes! The details has been confirmed! It is just next Friday, 20/5, and the registration booth will be opened from 1330hr onwards. The venue is exciting, the big SG “durian”, yup, you have guessed it, and the exact location is Level 2 Recital Studio.
For schools that have signed up, the registration is open, checked it out here.
It’s going to be exciting, not sure if this is the world’s first blogging competition involving schools. With 50 over schools participating times the number of students in each school. Though not every student will be blogging, but the sheer number of postings should be quite high.
Looking forward to the day when the blogging begins … *Ooo*