a quote from accenture ceo’s interview

last week, accenture hits headline as the company is going to do away (90%) of their existing performance review processes. in short, accenture is going stop comparing one person with another (thus enables ranking), but to review a person as a person, on his/her job.

this morning, i saw a transcript of an interview with Pierre Nanterme, the accenture CEO who made this bold move. just to quote a para that i think works for me at least as an employee:

“What I learned is that leadership is about letting it go. Trust people. The art of leadership is not to spend your time measuring, evaluating. It’s all about selecting the person. And if you believe you selected the right person, then you give that person the freedom, the authority, the delegation to innovate and to lead with some very simple measure.”

i have many bosses to thank for doing the above despite the fact that we were all involved in a system that accenture decided to do away with (:

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