epistemological beliefs, language learning beliefs

《新加坡中学生的认识论信念、华文学习信念探究》(An Exploratory Study of the Epistemological Beliefs and Language Learning Beliefs of Singapore Secondary School Chinese Language Students), that is the topic of my dissertation close to 5 yrs ago **gasp** 一晃快5年了。

while a search some 3 yrs ago revealed that my writing can be found in CNKI 知网,but i did not realise it’s not available for download through the Storeroom. so here you go, a local mirror, if you are interested that is (:

cnki 中国知网 searchable

was trying out NIE’s trial subscription to CNKI, and was plesantly surprised that my Fudan ma thesis 新加坡中学生的认识论信念华文学习信念探究 (An exploratory study of the epistemological beliefs and language learning beliefs of Singapore school Chinese Language students) is listed (: must thank my supervisor 张豫峰老师 for putting up the nomination.

direct URL: http://gb.oversea.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?QueryID=38&CurRec=33&dbCode=CMFD&filename=2010194992.nh&dbname=CMFDLAST2011&uid=WDVKbEthcGM0eWppZ2NleQ==

CHIN6292 文化语言学课上分享

今天非常感谢老师和同学们忍受一上午的疲劳轰炸,希望我介绍的内容有助于大家的思考才好。由于时间有限,我们无法展开讨论,但是我很感兴趣知道大家对于设立《文化桥这样一个网站的看法,尤其是你们认为它对于无论是“通过文化教语言”或是“通过语言教文化”的目标有帮助吗?欢迎大家留言交流 (点击上边的“Comments”即可),或是通过电邮也行。我的电邮地址是 yh2.com /at/ gmail点com (/at/=’@’, 点=’.’)