google classroom is now free

…actually now is somewhat backdated, cos google has since made classroom freely available to all, from Apr 26, 2017 onwards, as noted in this blog post (:

in other words, anyone with a personal google account can use the system to start managing learning (cf. LMS). school teachers are however encouraged to use Classroom by enrolling the school in the G Suite for Education. this would allow your to more conveniently manage your classes of students.

btw, thanks to PS for first highlighting this news to us. enjoy (:

word recognition n memorisation

chanced upon from a mailing list:


two games for any singe list. a taste of it:

time will be sucked away by the games, but this could probably be time well-spent to recall and revise any characters set that a teacher desires a student to learn. yet to collect empirical evidence to proof that it works 😛

deADlicious, another service entering history

saw this piece of news in a tweet,, a social bookmarking site will be closed down. most likely not profit/revenue generating for yahoo? 😛 has provided 5 alternatives in their posting for exploration while saying bye-bye to my acct. i wonder how many of our teachers have been using this service *hmm*

[acknowledgment of graphics source:]