
Podcastamatic would be useful if you are currently subscribing to some (web) server space and would like to host podcast/audioblog in that space. The software allows you to customise the look and feel of the page. The standard ‘look and feel’ can be found here and here.
Find out more here.

New category created

I have created a new category to keep up with the latest developments in audioblogging (better known as podcasting). It’s gonna be the next hot thing in the blogosphere! Past entries have been reclassified to the new (sub)categories 🙂

Free podcast hosting

Hostsearch.com reports that Gcast is offering FREE space for podcasters! Check it out 🙂

Gcast is the only solution available on the Internet offering free hosting and the system offers access to the world’s largest library of �podsafe� music. Gcast also offers a significant range of features including an Online Playlist Manager that auto-generates podcasts, and podcasting by phone (where users actually create a podcast on the telephone).

mp3, mp4, m4a, m4b, m4v – codec explained

This article gives an overview of the emergent codecs. People are now utilising the mp4 layer for their file encodings. Read this article to gain this know-how.

.m4a for podcast using the AAC format (may also contain either chapters or images or a mixture)
.m4b for podcasts with chapters and images (as in audiobooks; aka enhanced podcasts)
.m4v for vodcasts using the codec for movie files compatible with video iPods
.mp4 for vodcasts using this general video format
.mov for vodcasts using this traditional video format