restful weekend

often we wish each other “have a restful weekend”, but more often than not, we teachers know at the back of our mind the many things that’s waiting for us to catch up with. so, how can one (possibly) achieve a restful state? it’s all in the mind we believe #thinkaboutit

came to us during the chit-chat this morning, and here’s the summary:

“Restful(ness) is in the state of mind”

cite as (Tan & Nonis, 2020)

have a restful weekend if you are reading this (:

sentence … phrase … word

was browsing the book that i’ve gotten recently, and saw the above/below:

this is one of the making thinking visible strategies to facilitate deeper thinking. shall save it for our future meeting that requires participants’ pre-reading (:

呈现 or 呈献?

当我们写道:“我们请一组(学生)来 呈 xian4”,我们其实指的是“我们请一组(学生)来作报告”;英文作”Let’s invite a group (of students) to present (their work)”。那当我们想使用呈xian4时,应该是“呈现”还是“呈献”呢?


(鸣谢:北京:商务印书馆; acknowledgement: Beijing: The Commercial Press)


until then (:

packing vs thesis writing

收拾装箱和论文写作的共同点就是两者都会到达饱和点,就再也不能继续下去了 :O
packing and thesis writing are the same in that both can reach a point of saturation where you just have to stop :O

shot on Oct 16, 2017