bringing up boys/children

chanced upon this TEDx sharing by Colin Stokes on his views, observations and experience in bringing up children. while the title of the talk highlighted boys, the influence of movies are apparent on both boys and girls. therefore this provides food for thought for parents regardless if you have boys or girls in the family (:

one new thing i learnt from Stoke’s sharing is the Bechdel Test, which examines movie to see if it meets the following criteria:

  1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
  2. Who talk to each other
  3. About something besides a man

how many movies can you name that pass the test? off-hand i can’t think of any :O

but if you are curious to find out, you can visit here (:

cleaning camera sensor (sony SLT)

a dark spot appeared in pictures taken on my sony alpha 57 (SLT-a57 ) today! originally i thought it’s dust gotten into my lens. but the dark spot doesnt go away when i switched a lens. and the auto cleaning function doesnt help too. the last thing to try before sending in for servicing, is to clean the camera sensor. i googled and found the following steps shared by Undah (“thank you”) very helpful:

1) Perform the cleaning operation from the menu (the vibration).

2) Detach the lens at this point (instead of turning the camera off as you would normally do)

3) Push the V mark on the mirror lock lever (below the mirror, in the center of the plastic) with a finger to lift up the mirror. The mirror flips up.
• Be careful not to touch the surface of the mirror!

4) Use your hand blower.

5) After the cleaning is finished, lower the mirror with a finger until it clicks.
• Lower the frame of the mirror back down with a finger. Be careful not to
touch the surface of the mirror.
• Lower the mirror down until it locks firmly.

6 Attach the lens and turn the camera off.

sony’s own set of instructions isnt quite helpful at all, and the instruction manual is nowhere insight too. thanks to google, and the folks who share knowledge freely!

i believe the above instructions should apply and help to clean all current SLT models, including SLT-A33, SLT-A33L, SLT-A33Y, SLT-A35, SLT-A35K, SLT-A35Y, SLT-A37, SLT-A37K, SLT-A37M, SLT-A37Y, SLT-A55V, SLT-A55VL, SLT-A55VY, SLT-A65V, SLT-A65VK, SLT-A65VY, SLT-A77V, SLT-A77VK, SLT-A77VQ, and probbaly the latest SLT-A99V too (:

students = customers?

if a teacher cannot be always right, it’s not likely that a student with lesser metacognitive knowledge and lower metacognitve awareness be always right. if the customer is always right, then it follows that a student cannot be a customer. therefore, whoever says “students are our customers and we serve them”, does s/he understand what s/he is talking abt?

logical fallacies

chanced upon this site “Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate” that prof Glen Whitman had prepared for his students some 11 yrs ago relating to the use of logical fallacies during debates. many of these can be observed in arguments observed or experienced in our daily lives, not just in a debate setting.

Argumentum ad antiquitatem, Red herring, and Slippery slope are but three examples (: