Just for Laugh – Sick of Writing Research Papers?

If you are “Sick of Writing Research Papers?”, then “Have the Wikipedia Community Do It!”
and the steps are:
1. Write a craptacular draft full of factual errors, incredible sources, and grammatical/mechanical mistakes.
2. Post it to Wikipedia.
3. Wait a few days and let the community clean it up for you.
4. Turn it in!
[source: kaironews]

The Hidden Boot Code of the Xbox

This article is purely for entertainment, read on only if you like some entertainment after lunch/dinner.
Well, if you are proud owner of an Xbox (it’s ok if you are not one, just like me), and you are interested in how manufacturers ‘protect’ their consoles from running non-licensed software, here’s a glimpse on how Microsoft (supposedly) did it.

[source: /.]