WikiMatrix provides two choices:
1. A direct “Select-and-compare” mode which allows you to choose and compare features of some 99 wiki sites online. The comparison is very comprehensive, which includes General Features, Hosting Features, System Reqiurements, Datastorage, Security/Anti-Spam, Development/Support, Common Features, Special Features, Links, Syntax Features, Usability, Statistics, Output, Media and Files and Syntax Examples.
2. Use the “Wiki Choice Wizard” engine which will ask you a few questions and generate a recommended list of wiki sites for reference. The questions asked what features do you need, which include “History”, “What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)”, “Software or hosted?”, “Your own Domain?”, “Corporate Branding”, “Storage System?”, “Free and Open Source?”, “Programming language?”.
a very useful reference to have imho 🙂
Pedagogies of Wikis
EDUCAUSE has a 2-sheet pdf on the above, check it out if you want to find out more about wiki. 8 ways of using wiki(s) are highlighted:
1. Student journaling
2. Personal portfolios
3. Collaborative knowledge base
4. Research coordination and collaboration
5. Curricular and cross-disciplinary coordination
6. Conference and colloquia website/coordination
7. Syndicating/Aggregating web resources
8. Inter-term project management