3 days ago, i received a not-pleasant-at-all news/update. it’s irritable. but 3 days later, i learnt this (below), and i am going to thank whoever may be involved for helping me to 消除业障、增长智慧 (:
善哉善哉 🙂
– a Singaporean teacher's storeroom 🖖
3 days ago, i received a not-pleasant-at-all news/update. it’s irritable. but 3 days later, i learnt this (below), and i am going to thank whoever may be involved for helping me to 消除业障、增长智慧 (:
善哉善哉 🙂
Happy Children’s Day to all who celebrated Children’s Day on 1st October when we were in primary school, and young at heart of cos! found this recently when clearing things (aka rubbish) at home 😛
… that was when i was in primary 2 *wow*
this morning this little piece popped up in fb history:
this year i din make it to WPS which was held yesterday. will find time to meet up with my 老板-forever soon.
if u are reading this, “are you happy with what you are doing now?”; whatever your answer, i know i am (:
… of “无官一身轻”, i am now an RO again! to only 1 colleague (: any difference 10 yrs before, and 10 yrs later? i would think so. i would treat my “reportee” as a co-learner more than ever before. i hope i would learn and grow as much as she would learn and grow in the time that we work together, and with/from the pple that we will be working with.
惜缘 (:
转眼又要过年了。当然严格说来立春已过,所以我们已进入乙未羊年了。明天就是除夕了。而今天傍晚开信箱时看见了一份意外的惊喜 *faint*
十分感谢斯惠在百忙中还亲手为我设计并绘制了极富“羊”气息的贺年片 **faint**
期盼下星期六初十学生来家里团聚时再当面道谢 ***faint***
今年原来只寄出三张贺年片,现在可以加多一张了 ****faint****
祝愿所有朋友在新的一年里“身体健康,万事如意,福慧增长” (:
(p.s. sihui told me the story of “蛇鼠一窝” the other day when she saw this *****faint*****)