Comprehensive Guide to a Professional Blog Site: A WordPress Example

This Guide is the result of 350 hrs of learning and experimentation to test the boundaries of blog functionality, scope and capabilities. I myself began this process as a total newbie about six months ago � which likely shows in gaps and na�vet� � but I have been aggressive in documenting as I have gone. The learning from my professional blog journey, still ongoing, is reflected in these pages.
This Guide addresses about 100 individual �how to� blogging topics and lessons, all geared to the content-focused and not occasional blogger. More than 140 citations from more than 80 experts provide additional guidance. The Guide itself occupies 80 pages. It is all free.

— Michael K. Bergman, �Comprehensive Guide to a Professional Blog Site: A WordPress Example,� A Guide Book from the AI3 Blog Site, September 2005, 80 pp.

3-in-1 post on edublogging

Read CNET’s Blogging 101–Web logs go to school article for the current edublogging scene.
MSNBC’s iPods become music to teachers� ears article wrties about how school children are picking portable MP3 players and bringing them into classrooms.
EPNweb.orgThe Education Podcast Network, “is an effort to bring together into one place, the wide range of podcast programming that may be helpful to teachers looking for content to teach with and about, and to explore issues of teaching and learning in the 21st century.”

“Beyond the Blog” screencast

Brian Lamb of abject learning put together this screencast on educational blogging. His words on what the quicktime movie is about:

I ended up reviewing a few of the cooler educational weblogs we are hosting at UBC, briefly demonstrating supplementary technologies such as RSS and social bookmarks, and pointing toward all too few peers out in the ed tech weblog community. The minutes and the megabytes just flew by. Of course, once I was done I thought of all sorts of things I should have added — like referring people to Stephen Downes’s definitive treatise on Educational Blogging, but such is the nature of these things…

Interested to view, grab the movie from the original source or the local mirror. Enjoy 🙂