A heavy going article/paper …. by James Farmer
Voice – not which that comes out thru the mouth, but that in writing.
“Voice is the writer’s presence in a piece of writing” as Tom Romano defines it in his article The Power of Voice published in Education Leadership Oct 2004 Vol 62 No.2 Pg 20-23.
“Voice is the key to helping our students develop into writers. We must give them opportunities to hear their own written voices and the written voices of others�their peers, their teachers, and the best authors.”
Magazine online
This website hosted the M&M online magazine, featuring a collection of weblogs written by 6th grade students at Brandon Middle School in Virginia.
A Webquest on “Blogs and RSS”
Want to learn more about blogs and rss? Go thru this webquest created by
Trevor Ettenborough 🙂
Self-exploration: How and what are blogs used for?
Came upon this site, where you can do your own anaylsis to answer the above question. from the url, I believe that Prof Bernie Dodge has created it for a course which he delivers.
Access the page here.
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