shena asked me abt the online Chinese Input Method Editor which i introduced to them during audioblogging lesson. had to search for it and here’s it:
Chinese Input Method Editor
guess wat it is?
WARNING: it’s something quite disgusting, so if you have taken your breakfast/lunch/dinner, think twice before clicking below to continue :O
CL resource – ?????????160?
???????????????????160?????????????????????�audio�?????? 🙂
????????????????????????�????�?????????????????? *?*
DF Workshop at Queenstown Secondary
1. Powerpoint????????
2. ?????? & ????? ??????
3. ?? – PDF???? Copy-n-paste??????
4. MSN Group ???????? ?????????
[updated on 7th Mar]
Culture Talk update
the blog has been a real ‘cool’ place (so cold coz no content updated for the past how many weeks?). it’s been a super busy and hectic period, left for a 10-days shooting/filming trip to PRC from 31/1; once back it’s CNY (if you are reading, here’s a belated new year greetings for you).
yesterday’s the participants’ briefing for Culture Talk 2007. we have a total of 23 participating schools (after 1 school last minute gate-crashed the briefing). in case you are interested, we have managed to get 8 sponsors to contribute abt $10k worth of prizes (both in-kind and cash). got to go and send some documents online now … be back to update more abt the progress.