SISA – Simple Interactive Statistical Analysis

was looking for some online stats tool and came upon SISA:

SISA allows you to do statistical analysis directly on the Internet. Click on one of the procedure names below, fill in the form, click the button, and the analysis will take place on the spot. Study the user friendly guides to statistical procedures to see what procedure is appropriate for your problem.

yet another Culture Talk 2007 update

online registration for participants for Culture Talk 2007 just closed 15mins ago. we have a total of 5288 accounts registered. subtracting some no. of admin and teachers accts, we should have at least 5200 students with us in the forum!
《文化,开讲!》in a way “forces” these 5000 over students to read, think and express themselves (type) in Chinese. not sure if this impact is big or small, but it’s at least something i have done for the students and aid them in their learning of CL and culture.
still got many things to do, it’s only the first week, the first discussion sub-theme is now in hot debate. will post more updates as things go 🙂