perhaps this is not new for you but it’s definitely new for me *????*
saw this article “Can China control the weather?” off “Howstuffworks“. gives an overview of how warfare weapons are being employed for weather control in China, and something on the practice of cloud seeding 🙂
Microsoft Surface
iPhone iphone
haven had the chance to get my hands on one of this, so in the meantime, this should suffice:
“How the iPhone Works” from Howstuffworks 😛
some interesting things (i thot it was interesting):
– (the screen) can also detect multiple touch points simultaneously, which many existing touch-screens cannot do.
– (again abt the screen) the iPhone works only if you touch it with your fingertip — it won’t work if you use a stylus or wear non-conductive gloves.
– the front surface of the Apple iPhone has only one button — the Home button
– the shape of the screen changes when you need it to … shift the perspective from vertical to horizontal by tilting the phone (through) an accelerometer inside the iPhone …
– lacks 3G capability for high-speed data transfer
Sound for share and sound hunting
Article: Reflection on Action Research
found this a good read, written by Christopher D. Sessums titled “Making It Personal: Reflections on Action Research and Teacher Professional Development“.
for teachers who have been doing action research, or department heads who have been pushing teachers to do action research, this is a good piece of article to read and reflect upon your own journey 🙂