至于其他的文件,你们可以到”ICT in Education Seminar 华文教育科技研讨会“的帖子中去下载吧,都挂在那里了 🙂
谢谢大家,有机会我们多交流吧 🙂
Lianhe Zaobao 一逗到底 examples
这条耗资2200万元建成的连道,把东北部公园及组屋区如白沙、淡滨尼和勿洛等连接起来,居民不单可以畅行无阻地往来于各公园和市镇之间,而且还可以尽情地观赏沿途绿意盎然的自然景观。– 20071208《42公里园道一线连,东北四公园任畅游》 a>
他说,科学馆和迪斯尼乐园不同,人们游览迪斯尼乐园后,未必会留下深刻印象,但参观科学馆的展览,就会开启学习的第一步,使人们会进一步探讨所获得启发。– 20071208 《科学馆要重建品牌,吸引老少举家同游》
该公司已经安排专业清洁公司到厂房进行彻底清洁及消毒工作,目前已经完成50%左右,接下来清洁公司也会到全岛39间特许经营的百得利(Prima Deli)零售店展开净化工作。– 20071208《确保中毒事件不再发生,百龄麦将重新检讨食品安全程序》
前晚亮相的李梓萌有“央视第一美女”之称,30岁的她今年上半年曾在央视内部的选美赛“首届CCTV杯女职工风采大赛”中夺冠,她1996年毕业于北京广播学院播音系后进入央视,2000年至今在中央电视台播音组,主持过《文化报道》、《国际时讯》等节目。 — 20071209 前晚亮相的李梓萌有“央视第一美女”之称,30岁的她今年上半年曾在央视内部的选美赛“首届CCTV杯女职工风采大赛”中夺冠,她1996年毕业于北京广播学院播音系后进入央视,2000年至今在中央电视台播音组,主持过《文化报道》、《国际时讯》等节目。
EduBlog.NET – MT4ed
thanks to 周莹 for alerting me that the commenting feature is not working. checked and it appears that the templates may have broken down when it’s upgraded through versions of MT3 to MT4. so i decided to MT4 the blog for good (create a new blog from scratch and ex/import the entries), and with its recent changing of webhosting company, the blog is into its next phase of life. a day to remember 🙂
captured an old apperance for future reference:
Motivation and language learning
will be presenting on the above in about 13hrs’ time in class. here’s the PDF version of the slides that i’ll be using.
(预祝)各位同学大家好!感谢您找到这里来。这便是我课上分享时所用的简报[PDF版]/[PPT版],欢迎下载。很高兴认识大家,还望今后有机会保持联系,今天课堂上没把你们闷着了才好 :O
哦对了,顺便和您分享这网页,要更加了解我们的刘老师的话,必看! 😉 and i just realised that we shared a common interest, i.e. “Educational Technologies”. it’s a pity we did not get to discuss much about it during our coursework. should find a chance to read the many articles he had published on the matter 🙂
谢谢,再会! ^_^
[updated 1719hr] [updated 1719hr] 经老师同意,这里也顺便和大家分享我课上分享内容的“原版”,写得不好请大家不要见笑。对于内容有什么想法欢迎提问讨论,让我们一起学习吧 🙂
[updated 2359hr]有同学对我的HP Compaq TC1100的来历很感兴趣,只能说一句“往事只能回味吧”,呵呵!
J. Bruner’s Quotes on Education
was preparing my slides for the upcoming presentation on wednesday on ‘motivation in language learning’ and was very lucky to chance upon this page via google search, a list of Bruner’s thoughts painstakingly put together by Dr Donna Woolard of Campbell University. this list is divided into the following sections:
- Intuition
- Cognition
- Curriculum
- Assessment
- Culture
- Meaning
- The Product of Education
- Pedagogy
- Motivation
- Technology
- Reform
- Structure
- Transfer of Learning
- Learner Needs and Abilities
with quotes from
- Bruner, J. (1960). The Process of Education. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Bruner, J. (1966). The Culture of Education.
- Bruner, J. (1973). The Relevance of Education.
- Bruner, J. (1974). Toward a Theory of Instruction.
- Bruner, J. (1996). The Culture of Education. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
thank you Dr Woolard for sharing the list 🙂