wenmin juz came over and introduced me to this cool site, podOmatic, where you can create an account, upload and host voice files/podcasts for FREE.
juz created an account and took a look at some stats:
Storage and bandwidth
Bandwidth Quota: You have used 0 Bytes of 15 GB bandwidth allowed for the month
Reset Date: Your bandwidth quota will reset to zero on Fri Sep 15 20:39:10 PDT 2006.
Storage Quota: You are using 5.8 KB of 500 MB storage allowed.
500MB should allow a teacher/student to upload quite a number of voice recordings 🙂
check it out 🙂
Blogs and ePortfolios and Assessment: Thinking Out Loud
Barbara Ganley blogged on the above topic. the “A” word is always something that is at the back of our mind. if you are already using blogs/eportfolios, i’m sure u would have thot of the “A” issue; if you are abt to use blogs/eportfolio, u would be thinking of how i’m going to “A” the students. hmm.. check out Barbara Ganley’s post.
RSS explained
read this off dan mitchell’s blog, it points to one artilce on BBC News writing about using RSS to “Turning the web into ‘sushi belts“, and another link to definition of RSS from there.
2 pieces of news from eSchool News
was caught up in my new research project on audioblogging, hence the infrequent update over here. and was slow in clearing my feeds as well. saw these 2 pieces of news which may apply to some of our work here?
1: Schools make content available to public
2: Teacher development key to tech success
food for thoughts … *burp*
What Is Web 2.0
this article isn’t new, but KT mentioned that perhaps we can weave it into a lit review on audioblogging/podcasting in education that we are preparing. just to capture a few URLs on the topic here as well:
1. What Is Web 2.0 – Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software by Tim O’Reilly
2. Web 2.0 – Wikipedia
3. Mindmap created by Markus Angermeier on November 11, 2005 summarising Web 2.0 presented by Tim O’Reilly on September 30, 2005.