If you can�t read this headline, you�re clearly not using text messaging as efficiently as possible. It actually reads “Text messaging abbreviations to know and use”. the above i received in an email from hp, you may want to read an article on text abbreviation by hp, or another article by webopedia to learn some of these shortcuts 🙂
Memories forever
Educational techology has proven effective
countless funds had been pumped into ICT in education, one question asked is always “is if effective? how and why? eSN mentioned that “Technology in Schools: What the Research Says” report has just been released, and there’s good news within 🙂 read more to find out, and i believe the report can be downloaded here.
20 statements of innovation
replace ~ with “innovation”
- ~ requires a rationale
- to become real, ~ needs a vocabulary and conceptual framework
- ~ is intimately linked to other organisational agendas
- ~ requires an organisational system for its expression
- ~ and strategy must be closely linked
- ~ is an expression of organisational culture
- ~ efforts are made visible by appropriate communications
- ~ is connected to how you treat your people
- ~ can build on pre-existing processes
- ~ requires appropriate transformation processes
- ~ is enabled by pluralism
- ~ is the result of a vibrant ecosystem
- ideation instigates ~
- ~ thrives on design
- ~ needs a place of its own
- ~technology enables ~
- experience design motivates ~
- the practice of ~ involves a disciplined and pragmatic application of new tools
- leadership is a decisive factor
- ~ requires a comprehensive approach
— adapted from john kao’s innovation manifesto
Reasons an innovation drive might fail
- failure to distinguish between “getting it” and “getting it done”
- paying lip service
- lack of ownership or responsibility
- lack of relevant metrics
- fear of failure/risk/ambiguity
- success (you think you know what your’re doing)
- perception of innovation as cost vs. investment
- not being ambitious enough
- ineffective or incomplete transformation process
- lack of true support from the top
- lack of true engagement from rank and file
- lack of perceived urgency
- failure to appreciate the time and resources required
- bureaucracy
- denial: “we like it the way we have it … let’s just wait and watch … I can understand this without experiencing it … it’s just a Silicon Valley thing, it doesn’t apply here … I’m going to retire soon, don’t have to worry about this stuff…”
— adapted from john kao’s innovation manifesto / perspectives