We are now at Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Center. Alli had just given the teachers an overview of the TLIT group that she’s facilitating. We are now taking a short break, and up right next will be the intro to edublogs. Yeh, can’t wait to share the very little that I know 🙂
Will be updating this post with softcopies of the slides and handouts later 🙂
Updates on 17th Aug:
Thank you fellow teachers for your encouraging feedback. As mentioned, please find below the softcopies of the presentation slides and the Blogger.com user guide. Welcome once again to the world of edublogging, cheers!
1. Presentation Slides
2. Blogger.com HOWTO Ver 1.0
This workshop is very useful to use us a E Learning plotform.
i have benefited a lot from the worksop.