in the distant gotham south primary school …

there’s 3 depts – teaching, admin, and tech team.
fries is the only teacher-HOD (without another teacher!) in the teaching dept with 2 other sch counsellors.
one of the counsellors randomly appears in office, while another counsellor’s on permanent wfh arrangement.

in the staff room, fries is the only one designing lesson, preparing worksheets, and her movement creates echoes in the room cos she’s the only teacher (cf. counsellors’ job)

the admin dept is next to the staff room, so randomly fries sees them but other times don’t. and anyway, their job’s totally different from hers.
the tech team sits on another level so fries also don’t see them, not forgetting, their jobs’ different from hers too (and they probably din know fries also led a tech life, and whatever they’re doing, fries can also do)

as fries admires her own lesson design, feeling proud of the worksheets, fries also imagines herself being the HOD with at least one other teacher working with her in the vision painted for her.

the painted future is, however, akan datang and the echoes sounded more solid than this fiction occurring in gotham.