terrible two terrible 2?

巧合 that some recent conversations with friends landed on the term “terrible two”, and yes, these friends have young ones either 24 mths old or fast approaching that “magical number” 😆

however, i shared with them a good-er view of the age, and i termed it “Incredible Two”. why incredible instead of terrible? well, my personal experience were, juniors at this age can really do unexpected things that simply put you in a state of “unbelievable”! these things are incredible cos (jaded) grown ups will never do those things (except we din realise these are not adults; we are but examining their behaviours thru the righteous adult lens).

yup, so if u too are having a junior approaching this magical age, put on the Incredible Two lens, and your (parenthood) experience may just be different from others (who 先入为主 and used the “terrible” lens).

“change your perspective and experience a different life” (Tan, 2022) #feelfreetoquotencite 😁

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