it’s always good to step out our (limited) context and learn from beyond. the zoom webinar video “Are You Building a Brand or a Bland?” has 3 expert-practitioners in the field sharing their experiences.

and some ideas that caught my attention:
- “a brand is important becos it builds long last relationship with your customers … and also employees”
- brand is a sum of perception”
- Richie’s strategy to building brands from 0:30:53-0:33:24
- [0:37:29] “we want people to realise that the power of change is actually in their hands and that’s really kind of emotional and inspiring thing”
- [0:44:26] “how did you end up where you are today(, Richie)?” … “…by mistakes”
of cos, a next/related question could be “what is/are the relationship(s) between the phenomenon of branding and the phenomenon of teaching CL?” (: