谢谢饼干送暖 ☀
– a Singaporean teacher's storeroom 🖖
谢谢饼干送暖 ☀
have been dealing with how we/people learn from the (social) constructivist and cognitive perspective for a long while. recently reading Dehaene (2021)’s How We Learn.
and chapter 1 captures the seven types of learning; learning is:
“our brain too is molded with assumptions of all kinds. Shortly, we will see that, at birth, babies ‘ brains are already organised and knowledgeable…… Darwinian selection, is in effect, a learning algorithm — an incredibly powerful program that has been running for hundreds of millions of years.” (p.76)
and parallels to the development of AI is drawn and described in chapter 1. more later (:
the sun rises, the sun sets. indeed, often we may forget abt the (many) “sun” is there. this probably reflects the busyness of our lives day in day out.
经常说,“静下来……”,静下来听一听、静下来看一看、静下来想一想,静 appears to be forgotten too in our busyness. but 静一静 allows us to open up another perspective – the ‘pause/slower’ lens – to our lives. life is short and very critically, 无常。 在无常世界中,静让我们把握那一刻,更清晰地思考 (esp. matter that feels important but not thought through in all busyness).
话说回来,太阳一出会发生什么事呢?(: #random
recently watched the JTBC legal drama “Law School” cos i was told there’s certain similarity with me and prof. yang 🤔
a good 16-episode K-drama with unexpected twists in between episodes, although some viewers may also ask is this a CSI drama or law school drama. after finishing the series, i think intellectually and charismatically i’m no match for prof yang. so seeing even a hint of ‘prof yang’ in me is really a compliment hahaha 😆
“why did mr zuri make us present 3 times this morning?” asked bruce.
“yah lor, i thought just one time during physics class is enough. after-all we are showcasing our understanding of connecting sciences right,” said dick.
“mr zuri says our project combined knowledge from physics, chemistry and biology. therefore we need to present three times,” fumed selina.
“heng ah we only combined 3 subjects! if we were to include history, music and language arts, that means we need to present 6 times!” exclaimed bruce.
“let’s be clever next time, we’ll just combine two subjects!” giggled selina.
“steady lah!”
… and the bell rang and lunch break’s over at gotham city holy trinity school.