this is my first ever ‘object lesson’, and it’s about the lessons LEGO (bricks) can bring to argumentative writing (论说文 aka 议论文).
things needed for the lesson:
1. 5x LEGO bricks per student; any colour except RED; ideally of different size and/or length
2. 2x RED bricks per student
3. recently completed student essays
4. a model essay (can be a student’s work)
students are given 2 minutes to freely create a 5-brick structure using the given LEGO bricks.
and the 启示 are: #4IdeaImprovement
- LEGO有长有短:各段落有长有短,各段内容的量可能不同(e.g. 例子的了解、把握度)
- (越)大块的LEGO:(越)有分量的段落内容
- 分开的LEGO块 :(零散的)内容(cf. 篇)
- 连在一起的LEGO块与块:议论文中的各段与段(开头+分论点一至三+结尾)
- LEGO块与块之间的稳固联系何来?突起的不起眼的”connectors” (即顺序副词)
- 当LEGO块多的时候,只看得见的是吸睛的头尾红色bricks(即开头段写得好的重要性;结尾的红起首尾呼应之效)

that’s all for now (: