yesterday was the second f2f lesson of our iMTL 进阶课 (wondering why the english course title uses ‘intermediate’?). the first f2f was exactly 1 month ago. in this course, the (old) title (which 露丝 and I din bother to change) included keywords ‘SDL’ and ‘CoL’. so, i had used the first hour of yesterday’s session to conduct a co-generative dialogue on 自主学习 (self-directed learning). and the following is the reification of our discourse:

towards the end of the conversation, i was pleasantly surprised that most, if not all, of the key ideas of SDL were surfaced without me needing to introduce them. sounds like a phenomenographic dialogue (if such thing exists; if not can cite Tan, 2019). realised this when i ran through the deck of slides adapted from a 12470 Clinic conducted some three years ago. was interested to see what the individually meaningful ideas that the teachers (馨云、一凤、伟如、美娴、崇蕾、侯琳、玉侠、春容) had created, i allowed them to complete a 2-qn survey via google form:

and here’s what they wrote:
q1. 我原来以为 … … | q2. 我现在认识到 … … |
让学生自己完成作业就能算是自主学习。 | 自主学习包含了教师充足的设计与准备,让学生能够明白自己需要学什么、提供选择并给予学生自我评估的机会。 |
促进小学生完全自主学习是可能的,现在明白这个能力需要时间的发展。 | 在小学阶段培养学生自主学习的能力是十分重要的。 |
Self directed learning 很容易达成 | 学生需要确定学习目标和监督学习进展等 |
SDL就是E learning | SDL 可以和很多东西有关。比如:老师的角色是什么、学生的学习效率如何 |
学生只要是能独立完成学习任务就是自主学习(如ezhishi) | 自主学习也有分几个等级,可以让学生主动找出自己需要学习什么,并自主地去提问,找答案。 |
自主学习是让学生单独、独立地学习 | 在小学阶段,老师还是得先设计出学习活动让学生参与。适当地使用ICT能提高教学效应。 |
自主学习是学生有不同学习方式的选择。 | 我们现在正处于学生是被动状态,要想让学生养成自主学习的习惯需要长时间的培养。 |
自主学习就是要让学生学习时有自主权,依据学生所需要或缺乏的那一块,提供更多的学习活动,辅助他们,让他们能够成功学习。 | 的确如此。接触了一个新的概念solo taxonomy |
自主学习只是做活动 | 对主动学习有更深一层的理解,例如:学习动机、让学生能有想要学习的动机以及引学练用评和自主学习有密切的关系。 |
looks like 满满的学习 to you? and it’s not through transmission (of knowledge).
looking forward to the next session on 14 Sep for more knowledge creation (: