KBSI 2016 paper

today is the first day of the Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI 2016). had the chance to have some conversation with the KB community as we presented our paper “Teachers’ understanding of knowledge creation: A phenomenography of Singapore Chinese Language teachers“. the paper can be found in the local mirror:


won’t be able to make it for tmr as i’ll be facilitating the 2nd f2f session of Clinic 12470. day 3 morning, should be joining the folks at a school visit to teck whye sec.

education – what is really valued and important

the answer to the above can be glimpsed from the recent speech by our minister at the teachers’ conference event. below is para. 15 i copy-n-pasted:

“15. Beyond these very important shifts in what we teach and how we teach, our students will also pick up important cues from their school environment regarding what is really valued and important. For our students to value their holistic development, they must perceive that their schools strike a good balance in the educational experiences designed for them. Schools ought to prioritise character development and the development of attributes that will put the students in good stead for the future. An over obsession with grades and over obsession with the outcomes, rather than the process of school programmes, will run counter to the intent of what we seek to achieve. In other words, we must find the balance between what can be measured (grades) and what can only be observed (values and character). As Einstein once said, ‘[n]ot everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.’


about learning …

chanced upon this 2005 document titled: About Learning prepared by the UK Learning Working Group (with Hargreaves as a chair/member). the document was released under creativecommons, so free access no copyrights issue **thumbs up**

the following excerpt found on pg. 7:

Screenshot 2016-06-08 10.12.50

so what would the Family of Learning Practices be like in language learning, or SLA to be more specific? #Food4Thought




“辅助”在我们一般非学术性的理解,即可有可无(cf. 辅助读本、读物、刊物)。

今天打开早报网,就看到了《为激发学生对华文兴趣费尽心思 ,十一教师获颁全国模范华文教师奖》。非常恭喜这11位教师,以及许多没有获奖的教师朋友们辛苦了。

zaobao.com report

(acknowledgement: SPH/zaobao.com)



一个人学习的原因种种,“兴趣”只是百般原因之一。一个人之所以学(或不学),应该归咎于“动机 motivation”。学生学任何学科学得如何,是动机所致。简单地把学习和“兴趣”挂钩,第一、我会反问“没有兴趣就不能学了吗?”;第二、这或许无意识地泄漏了个人认知的有限。语言反映思维,如果认知中有上述的理解,为什么舍“动机”而用“兴趣”呢?第三、这反映了华文老师的不够专业。“兴趣”一词,大多数非教育工作者都说得出。“动机motivation”却是一个相对专业的名词。要提升华文老师的专业身份,反映我们对于教学的认识与思考,我们得在用语上求专业化。

语言反映思维,思维则影响教学设计。从专业的思考出发,一套引起“兴趣”的教学设计 vs. 一套引起“学习动机”的教学设计,你认为会有不同吗?为什么? (:

再说回上面ICT的话题,一个ICT作辅助的教学设计 vs. 一个ICT促成学习的教学设计,你认为会有不同吗?为什么? (:


lightning has somewhat centered the world’s attention on the island a few days ago.

and by pure chance on May 25 evening, i have also caught a lightning@SG shot, or lightning@BtTimah shots to be more exact (:

160525-lightning over Bt Timah

it’s a composite photo merged from 3 shots. camera setting was 1″, F14, ISO200 on my a57 mounted on tripod. if you like to download the photo, feel free to head over to Flickr to grab it 😉