first of september marks teachers’ day in singapore. teachers’ day may not fall on the 1st any more from 2012 onwards cos it was recently announced (ref. ST’s Eisen Teo’s “Teachers’ and Children’s days to fall on Fridays from 2011”) that teachers’ day and children’s day will be celebrated on first fridays of september and october respectively from 2011 onwards.
so this is my 6th teachers’ day without students around me. but thanks to the internet, i still have students around me all the time, via msn msgr and fb. here’s some of the well wishes incoming:
玉莲 scored first: (10:31 AM) (“v”) nOi (“v”): Happi teachers’ day!!!!
燕婷 [ cheryl ] says (5:06 PM): your students are still ard!! lolx.. happy teachers’ day in advance!!! =)
斯惠Sihui says (11:57 PM): HAPPPY TEACHERS DAY!
诗林esthe_R – 我就不相信我會笨到忘不了 says (12:05 AM): is 1st Sept ! Happy teachers’ day !
惠诗Huishi Phua (00:32hr via fb) LAOSHI!! HAHAHA HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAYYYY :D:D:D
淑惠Wang Shuhui Sharon (01:37hr via fb) 教师节快乐!
Next tues i will be flying off to edinburgh for 1 yr so cnt go to ur place if u invite us during cny…kip in touch on fb
爱玲 (0704hr via sms): Happy Teachers’ Day to you!
千谦Qian Qian Lee (12:11 via fb) Mr Tan! Happie Teachers’ daYY!!!
倩吟 (1215hr via sms): Happy Teachers’ Day 老师!!!!
淑敏Shumin Luar (13:00 via fb) 教师节快乐!
凯琳ShelleN says (5:07 PM): happy teacher day
雪婷XueTing Teh (17:46 via fb) chen lao shi! happy teacher’s day! ((:
雪云Yvonne Ong (17:54 via fb) Happy teachers day!!!
俐莹Natalie Chan (19:32 via fb) Happy Teachers’ Day Chen Lao Shi !! i suddenly miss chinese lessons and writing chinese
compositions and chinese oral !! o_O ..well at least i’m still playing chinese music haha =p
艳凤alex…wanna burn my stupid shoes says (09:09 AM): happy belated teachers day laoshi!
谢谢大家的祝福!And may i wish all teachers past, present & future “HAPPY TEACHERS’ DAY!” too (: