juz “fetched” my copy of feb 09 classroom news from the server.
some useful ideas within:
1. on cyber-wellness/safety: a study that involved emailing students who posted explicit contents to their socialnetworking profile (myspace, facebook as such). awareness through email brought about behavioural change to some students. this idea could be tested n come in handy for a teacher
2. students turned to video clips in youtube/teachertube/schooltube for learning. students can “watch the video as many times as … needed”; thinking out loud processes can be recorded and shared as well, and it may be ‘not as daunting’.
3. reports and discussed a survey that suggested “sending or posting nude or semi-nude cell phone pictures starts at a young age and becomes even more frequent as teens become young adults” … this would fall in the same category as (1) as well. some food for thoughts, including “Most parents have at least some sort of experience or
understanding of what adolescence was like in terms of other risky behaviors, but no one old enough to have teenage children today had a cell phone when they were
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