cake Happy Birthday!

after so many cakes, finally a HAPPY BIRTHDAY cake!
and i this cake’s for 依纯, and wishing her (and family) all the happiness and health under the sun and moon!

as a side note, we’re hitting the one week part one evacuation mark in the next 2hrs *GASP*

cake piraty

poor 斯惠 sihui’s toy became the only one of it’s kind pirate-dora

it must be painful for the owner but i must say pirate-dora is cute 😛

so here’s a cake for both owner n pirate-dora to share 🙂

as a side note, the weather’s cooling too fast for comfort. pray hard pray …

cake convergence

some 6 hours ago, i created The Convergence@FB and thus revived the little online gathering space that i first created for 2003-3E1/2004-4E1 5 years back (5 yrs?!?). i have since lost the first original incarnation, and you can still take a look at Version 2 “The Next Chapter” put together by Bryan/Yehao
and here’s another yummy cake for the (hard?) work *grin*

cake #7 to the rescue

yesterday the itchy fingers decided to upgrade the MT server script from 4.1 to 4.21. and all my unicode text turned gibberish after that! spent many hours trying to restore the lost text from the then untouched monthly archives. this is not the first time it has happened and i have no idea why it happened at all *duh*

anyway, this yummy cake is here to commemorate the completion of the resuce mission, some damage’s permanent though.