the ndp 2011 theme song mv

was trying to find out when’s the NE show this year and chanced upon this year’s theme song. first time hearing it, it’s another of those soothing series song though the singer tried very hard to inject power into the song. a very racial harmony tale depicted in the visual.

an 1-month in advance wish for the coutry, 在此预祝新加坡生日快乐,国泰民安 (:

musing …

was reading a doc and saw this in the concluding portion:

“Vasyrkvoyr pheevphyhz @aq z@grev@yf”
“Pbafge@vagf bs ybtvfgvpf, gvzr g@oyrf, @aq yr@eavat fc@prf”
“Y@px bs gbbyf sbe @ffrffzrag/zbavgbevat/srrqo@px sbe gr@puref gb rssrpgviryl zr@fher kkk”
“Trare@y t@c bs ubj kkk ybbxf yvxr sbe @ y@etr e@atr bs fhowrpg @er@f.”

.. @aq y@fg ohg abg yr@fg
“Fpubby‐jvqr phyghe@y @aq flfgrz pu@atr g@xrf gvzr.”

how interesting (:

New education minister tells teachers to ‘take a break’ during June holidays

and that’s a headline off The New Paper via asiaone yesterday.

“referring to retired teachers?”
“just finished 1 week of remedials, plus training the whole of today (my remedial students were still here!), now stressing out over overseas trip with students tmr”
“still trying to clear admin work this June plus …”

these are some of the (adapted) comments that i’ve collected via my fb thread. and this is my share of peeve:

wife’s P just took away 10-20 key personnels’ families’ weekend today! there’s 20 weekdays, and only 4 weekend Saturdays, why must he choose the 1 out of 4 to do RETREAT (and it’s by no means a treat)?!? if a leader prioritises work as everything in his/her live, the subordinates have to be no live as well?

“it takes some political wills to right things” said a colleague during lunch yesterday when we discussed this piece of news. such “high-handed way” is definitely not welcome by most (and it probably will affect popularity), but personally i think it is the single MOST effective way. cos by making 360 Ps (most likely lesser cos there are still many Ps with live) unhappy, 33000 teachers will be happy! let’s see when the decree of “all schools MUST BE CLOSED on Saturdays and Sundays” … “no BUTS. when there’s a will there’s a way. 有志者事竟成”. yes i hear boo-ing voices out there, but i’m one who’s hopeful, as always (:

social learning has come to … cars!

saw this post on engadget discussing the ability of Nissan Leaf to compare drivers’ performance in terms of energy efficiency. looks like the competition in schools’ been extended? 😛 i expect other carmakers to follow suit soon. and we’ll probably see facebook integration soon for the total social experience (: