CHIN6292 文化语言学课上分享

今天非常感谢老师和同学们忍受一上午的疲劳轰炸,希望我介绍的内容有助于大家的思考才好。由于时间有限,我们无法展开讨论,但是我很感兴趣知道大家对于设立《文化桥这样一个网站的看法,尤其是你们认为它对于无论是“通过文化教语言”或是“通过语言教文化”的目标有帮助吗?欢迎大家留言交流 (点击上边的“Comments”即可),或是通过电邮也行。我的电邮地址是 /at/ gmail点com (/at/=’@’, 点=’.’)

Reading notes – Sign(ed) language

  1. Signing exact/existing language
    • Signing Exact English (SEE)
      • Luetke-Stahlman, B. (1998). The efficacy of SEE – An annotative bibliography of SEE II and related research. Retreived Apr 10, 2008 from
        • article gives an annotated review of books/articles related to the benefits of SEE (cf ASL, non-language vs language) up to 1988
  2. Writing signed language

Reading notes – Bi/Multilingualism

  1. Multilingual Education
    • Walter, S. L (2000). Explaining multilingual education: Information on some tough questions. Retrieved Apr 10, 2008, from
      • synopsis of a book
      • argues for (based on evidence) implementing bi/multilingual education (education in at least 2 languages which includes the MTL of some/all children in class) with possible mother tongue education at early stage (education via MTL) 
    • id21 (2006, Sep). id21 Insights Education #5. Retrieved Apr 10, 2008, from
      • contrains multiple articles on the benefits and issues of implementing mother tongue education (cf monolingual(foreign lang) education)
  2. References
    1. Bilingual Research Journal
  3. akang datang

Presentation at Zhuan Ye Han Yu lesson

it’s been another long while since i last did a presentation, 今天在专业汉语课上分享了一篇文章的解构,内容的理解很有限,因为缺乏很多周边的知识。好在老师能够深化所谈到的内容,并讲解了许多相关的知识,否则就要浪费各位同学的时间了 (*谢谢老师*)。

文章:徐杰、李英哲(1993) 焦点和两个非线性语法范畴-否定疑问,《中国语文》,第2期。
1. PPT 简报(Office Vista .pptx 版本)(若你用的是Office XP/2003,可以下载这个软件(Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats),就能打开上边的PPTx了)
2. 思维图表 Mindmanager 文件 (这个使用免费阅读器Mindmanager Viewer 7就能打开)
3. IHMC CMap 网站下载链在此
4. MindMan Personal Version 3
5. Mindmanager 网站免费阅读器Mindmanager Viewer 7 下载链在此
谢谢各位同学的支持与鼓励,有什么帮得上忙的可以和我说一声,加油了各位! 🙂

Essays the Gathering

today marks the last day of my first semester in fudan and this is my final installment for the series of (feels like never-ending) examinable essays:

(in English): A sociolinguistics study of youths and Chinese language in Singapore
This paper presents a sociolinguistics study conducted with 56 youths who have studied Chinese Language (CL) during their secondary/junior college days in Singapore and have since left and ‘graduated’ from the CL classroom. Two primary research questions drove this study:
1. Is there any change in the youths’ proficiency level of CL after leaving the CL classroom?
2. How are the youths using CL after graduating from secondary schools/junior colleges?
Three secondary research questions were explored to provide input to the two pri qns.
Data collection was conducted through the administering of an online survey.
Keywords: singapore, chinese language, education, survey, youth, sociolinguistics

A BIG THANK YOU to all my students and friends and students’ friends who have contributed by completing the online survey, without which this study would not have been possible. And since it’s still 大年十一of the Chinese New Year, may I wish one and all “新年快乐,万事如意!学/事业进步,阖府安泰!”
And here’s it, may I present … (the free Acrobat Reader is needed to view the reports)
Essays the Gathering Release Y1S1
1. 《窥探中外语言教学对学习动机的尝试与研究》
2. 《探寻篇章语法给华文教学的一些启示–从”我们中国人老早就认识’康乃馨’牛奶水”谈起》
3. 《语法与作文教学实践探索–以三维语法为线索》
4. 《探索交互白板于汉字教学的应用》
5. 《新加坡华文华语与青年的调查》
6. and FOUR other essays (for record purpose; meaningless ones meant for self-consumption)
and here we go again … semester 2 here i/we come … “Live Long & Prosper”