Meet the Author – thru Blog !

Read this off Will R.’s post. How exciting!
Instead of waiting for a chance to meet an renowned author (which may never come) f2f just to ask 1 or 2 question, or in the case of answering one to one through email, the author is able to answer queries for all to see simply by posting the questions and answering them thru a blog and its commenting feature!
Take a look at the blog and I am sure you will also be attracted by the 144 comments to a post just like I do. Cant help being more and more excited after reading comments after comments 🙂

Trainee Teachers’ Blogs

Thanks voyager for citing us in your voyeurism 🙂
I am actually most interested in his links to his students’ blogs.
Take a look at them, my guess is they are a class of trainee teachers and voyager is their mentor/tutor who has asked them to blog their feedback to their peer’s micro-teaching. Great example of edublog for peer evaluation and knowlege sharing/construction.
Here are a few blogs I pick at random to browse through:
e-man’s e-blog
KelvinYew Entries
My Geog Blog

A Principal’s Blog

Too busy to maintain a blog? Take a look at Principal’s Quest. If a Principal can take time out of her busy schedule to blog, maybe we don’t have much excuse not to. The underlying question perhaps is simply, whether or not we believe blogging is worth our time for it.
Mrs. Hooper is using her blog as a character building page. Through it, she shares her views on character traits. Another avenue for top leadership to communicate your ideology with staff and students.