technological advances – intuitive AI

saw this TEDxPortland video shot last year only recently. while revisiting it that i noticed the opening words of the presenter:

“How many of you are creatives, designers, engineers, entrepreneurs, artists, or maybe you just have a really big imagination? Show of hands? … That’s most of you. I have some news for us creatives.”

what’s the significance of this short opening exchange?

i was quite surprised by some responses of people after they have watched the video, for example, “i feel scared”, “what if the machines are going to replace us”, “i admire those who are retiring soon”. but there again, these are quite normal too. however, i did not quite figure out the paradigm behind people with such responses. until, i revisited the video, and heard the opening exchange a second time.

my current hypothesis: people who produces such (downward spiral) responses are not knowledge creators. such words represent the mindset of industrial age production workers – routine, mass-production, clock-in-clock-out, predictability just to name a few. there’s no right or wrong judgment here. but in our business of preparing children for the knowledge age (or augmented age in the video), and where teachers’ beliefs influenced their actions, we need to think like and become a knowledge creator ourselves. what can we do to facilitate this shift in a major bulk of our teachers who learnt and grew up and laboured in the industrial age paradigm for a large part of their lives? how do we help teachers to shift into the creatives, designers, artists mode of thinking?

almost forget, here’s the video:


learning theories for teachers

thanks to si hui for pinging me on variation theory, and i chanced upon this piece of gem created by professors at HKU:

what teachers should know about learning theories website

it’s many hours of reading and hard work to produce this piece of excellent quick reference for teachers. extending this idea, we could perhaps create something similar for SLA/CL teachers, bringing together learning sciences and SLA works and making it accessible to our CL teachers (:


"当你思考科技与教学的关系时,无论是想选择某项科技、介入某个平台,只要你从学生学习的角度出发,怎么学如何学,或作’学习本位’(cf.教本位), 就不会差太远了。" (Tan, 2017)

to cite, if anyone is ever going to do that (:
Tan, Y. H. (2017). 当你思考科技与教学的关系时. Edublog.NET – A Singaporean Teacher’s Storeroom. Retrieved from

theory is not important, just tell me what to do



若答案是“有”、“的确是这样”(你不需要告诉我,自己偷偷告诉自己就好),恭喜你!你、我,都是被荼毒的一群。这毒药不是鹤顶红,也非七步追魂散,是一种慢性毒药所致(cf. 烟霾)。这“毒药”的出处大多是在我们所经历的许多许多培训课上,心地好的讲师一次次地在我们不自知的情况下所下的药。我们心存感激,讲师真是为我们着想,真周到。


我的重点是:理论非常重要,甚至比实践方法、怎么做更更更重要。 此话怎讲?!?

先举两个典型例子吧。试问:1. 什么是自主学习(SDL, self-directed learning)? 2. 什么是协作学习 (CoL, collaborative learning)?


这里我不会将SDL、CoL展开来谈,要谈请到TRAISI报名 12470课。我只想说,如果SDL、CoL那么简单,还需要某某教授来提,那么这教授也太混了吧!所以,上述两个“定义”,显然是有问题和不足之处的。但身为一名教师,我们有意识到吗?或许有,或许没有,就看我们中毒的程度吧。

言归正传,为什么理论非常重要?这里我就用再熟悉不过的词语——“学习” learning来谈吧。你认为什么是学习?比方说在课堂上:

1. 我尽量多讲,让学生多听、多抄。对学生而言,这就是学习。
2. 我几乎每三节课中就有两节是小组活动。对学生而言,这就是学习。


话说“理论”。什么是理论?中毒深的或许会说“一大堆大道理。长篇大论,和实际教学距离很远。” 一套完整的教学理论经常有两大部分:一、其教育哲学、教育理念部分;二、实施的原则部分。有时可能会有三、实际操作步骤。如果说理论不重要,一般是指一和二不重要,直接锁定三。但是我们往往忽略了,三其实是建立在一、二之上的。没有了解一、二,就来做三,能行吗?当然能行,上述的SDL、CoL就是典型的“能行”例子。



至于“弄明白”的重要性,我们经常说要培养终身学习的学生,终身学习不就是终身“弄明白”那么一回事吗?学生要lifelong learning, 教师亦然。不去“弄明白”能行吗?如何弄明白,就是上述一、二、三这三码事,缺一不可。


theory photoPhoto credit: by jana christy

KBSI 2016 paper

today is the first day of the Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI 2016). had the chance to have some conversation with the KB community as we presented our paper “Teachers’ understanding of knowledge creation: A phenomenography of Singapore Chinese Language teachers“. the paper can be found in the local mirror:


won’t be able to make it for tmr as i’ll be facilitating the 2nd f2f session of Clinic 12470. day 3 morning, should be joining the folks at a school visit to teck whye sec.