design thinking in schools example

chanced upon this article titled “Can Design Thinking Help Schools Find New Solutions to Old Problems?” in fb feed

a few quotes that grabbed my attention:

“In education we do not typically engage our users — our students — to find what is causing them to be disengaged,”

– i believe we do engage our students but to what extent, and how often, especially when our students are many.

“The biggest challenge is mindset, the mindset of your teachers and staff,” … “If they have a traditional mindset, then they’re not going to be willing to learn from the process.” And the process of getting to know stakeholders, thinking outside the box and trying out creative solutions, even if they don’t work, is crucial to success. Learning along the way is just as important as finding a workable solution… but educators haven’t been trained to think like that. They are looking for answers that will make the daily task of teaching students easier.”

– the last sentence “They are looking for answers that will make the daily task of teaching students easier” resonates. as teacher educator, what can we do to shift such a mindset? (: