spin spin means …?

2 post about NDP2011 in one day, was trying to check the traffic advisory and the website only shows me that forever ‘spin spin’, what’s this ‘spin spin’ in the centre supposed to mean? traffic’s smooth and feel free to drive around? *duh*

and ONE.MOTORING could have provided a better service if PDF road closure maps can be directly posted for downloading, instead of hyperlinking pple to that ‘spin spin’.

so conclusion, ‘spin spin’ = smooth traffic?  shall see (:

the ndp 2011 theme song mv

was trying to find out when’s the NE show this year and chanced upon this year’s theme song. first time hearing it, it’s another of those soothing series song though the singer tried very hard to inject power into the song. a very racial harmony tale depicted in the visual.

an 1-month in advance wish for the coutry, 在此预祝新加坡生日快乐,国泰民安 (: