Motivation and language learning

will be presenting on the above in about 13hrs’ time in class. here’s the PDF version of the slides that i’ll be using.
(预祝)各位同学大家好!感谢您找到这里来。这便是我课上分享时所用的简报[PDF版]/[PPT版],欢迎下载。很高兴认识大家,还望今后有机会保持联系,今天课堂上没把你们闷着了才好 :O
哦对了,顺便和您分享这网页,要更加了解我们的刘老师的话,必看! 😉 and i just realised that we shared a common interest, i.e. “Educational Technologies”. it’s a pity we did not get to discuss much about it during our coursework. should find a chance to read the many articles he had published on the matter 🙂
谢谢,再会! ^_^
[updated 1719hr] [updated 1719hr] 经老师同意,这里也顺便和大家分享我课上分享内容的“原版”,写得不好请大家不要见笑。对于内容有什么想法欢迎提问讨论,让我们一起学习吧 🙂
[updated 2359hr]有同学对我的HP Compaq TC1100的来历很感兴趣,只能说一句“往事只能回味吧”,呵呵!